WebMO Job Summary

473907: C19H15(+1) trityl D3, Optimize + Vib Freq - Gaussian

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-31G(d) OPT FREQ Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry C19H15(1+)
Symmetry D3
Basis 6-31G(d)
RB3LYP Energy -732.825098122 Hartree
ZPE 0.281324 Hartree
Conditions 298.150K, 1.00000 atm
Internal Energy -732.529318 Hartree
Enthalpy -732.528374 Hartree
Free Energy -732.584193 Hartree
Cv 59.054 cal/mol-K
Entropy 117.480 cal/mol-K
Dipole Moment 0.0000 Debye
Server batch (485330)
CPU time 3708.2 sec

Geometry Sequence Energies

Step Energy  
0 -732.825096999  
1 -732.825098096  
2 -732.825097823  
3 -732.825098122  
4 -732.825098122  
5 -732.825098122  
Animation speed  

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 0.39755 0.01326084060
b 0.39755 0.01326084060
c 0.21293 0.00710258028

Vibrational Modes

Mode Symmetry Frequency (cm-1) IR (Raman) Intensity Actions
1 E 60.0987 1.2532
2 E 60.0990 1.2532
3 A2 79.4587 1.2765
4 E 80.0931 0.3972
5 E 80.0940 0.3971
6 A1 113.8717 0.0000
7 E 233.1778 0.8344
8 E 233.1778 0.8344
9 A2 248.4910 0.4511
10 A1 285.7208 0.0000
11 E 327.0013 0.5264
12 E 327.0014 0.5264
13 E 414.8609 7.1459
14 E 414.8609 7.1461
15 A1 433.4619 0.0000
16 A2 436.6767 1.0710
17 E 481.0691 8.1108
18 E 481.0692 8.1110
19 E 623.2716 10.4022
20 E 623.2719 10.4018
21 A2 623.4040 1.1451
22 E 635.2123 11.7560
23 E 635.2123 11.7566
24 A2 671.7726 2.3221
25 E 700.3086 2.6320
26 E 700.3086 2.6323
27 A1 721.3266 0.0000
28 A2 721.6016 96.0741
29 E 787.3752 21.4143
30 E 787.3752 21.4150
31 A2 823.5805 18.3829
32 E 863.1358 21.2346
33 E 863.1359 21.2356
34 A1 865.5689 0.0000
35 E 930.9022 6.7142
36 E 930.9024 6.7130
37 A2 972.7479 1.6359
38 E 976.8220 0.8559
39 E 976.8221 0.8557
40 E 996.3467 10.7630
41 E 996.3467 10.7634
42 A1 997.7202 0.0000
43 E 1010.9545 20.5897
44 E 1010.9545 20.5897
45 A1 1013.1417 0.0000
46 E 1029.4344 0.8475
47 E 1029.4344 0.8476
48 A2 1030.2133 0.0641
49 A1 1052.2312 0.0000
50 E 1054.9336 0.0486
51 E 1054.9336 0.0486
52 A2 1125.0330 3.7156
53 E 1129.1654 7.6372
54 E 1129.1654 7.6377
55 E 1204.4473 3.1317
56 E 1204.4473 3.1319
57 A2 1205.4764 1.0980
58 A1 1212.5848 0.0000
59 E 1221.8837 62.4008
60 E 1221.8837 62.3994
61 A1 1229.6638 0.0000
62 A2 1332.9719 0.2425
63 E 1333.4529 125.2543
64 E 1333.4529 125.2626
65 E 1379.9465 21.3036
66 E 1379.9466 21.3012
67 A2 1384.1636 11.0340
68 E 1390.8536 255.1389
69 E 1390.8545 255.1360
70 A2 1482.4043 20.5357
71 E 1493.3201 85.7165
72 E 1493.3203 85.7206
73 E 1528.6710 59.7763
74 E 1528.6712 59.7787
75 A1 1529.9378 0.0000
76 A2 1608.9608 0.3742
77 E 1610.8524 3.6856
78 E 1610.8524 3.6853
79 E 1641.7998 253.0692
80 E 1641.7998 253.0730
81 A1 1655.0502 0.0000
82 E 3209.0962 0.0260
83 E 3209.0962 0.0261
84 A1 3209.1546 0.0000
85 A2 3217.3375 0.3212
86 E 3217.8465 0.3100
87 E 3217.8465 0.3097
88 E 3223.6939 3.7154
89 E 3223.6939 3.7167
90 A1 3224.4311 0.0000
91 A2 3231.1406 2.7787
92 E 3232.2039 0.6313
93 E 3232.2039 0.6318
94 E 3234.1361 4.8646
95 E 3234.1361 4.8634
96 A1 3235.0362 0.0000
Frequency Scale Factor
Normal Mode Amplitude
Animation Speed
IR Spectrum  
Peak Width (cm-1)


The juvenile sea squirt wanders through the sea searching for a suitable rock or hunk of coral to cling to and make its home for life. For this task it has a rudimentary nervous system. When it finds its spot and takes root, it doesn't need its brain any more so it eats it. It's rather like getting tenure. -- source unknown