WebMO Job Summary

485866: O3Cl(-1), Optimize + Vib Freq - Gaussian

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-31G(d) OPT FREQ Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry ClO3(1-)
Symmetry C3V
Basis 6-31G(d)
RB3LYP Energy -685.641237861 Hartree
ZPE 0.009651 Hartree
Conditions 298.150K, 1.00000 atm
Internal Energy -685.627850 Hartree
Enthalpy -685.626905 Hartree
Free Energy -685.657218 Hartree
Cv 11.268 cal/mol-K
Entropy 63.798 cal/mol-K
Dipole Moment 2.0196 Debye
Server batch (498897)
CPU time 23.6 sec

Geometry Sequence Energies

Step Energy  
0 -685.641237861  
1 -685.641237861  
2 -685.641237861  
Animation speed  

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 9.11445 0.30402532675
b 9.11445 0.30402532675
c 5.07918 0.16942320810

Vibrational Modes

Mode Symmetry Frequency (cm-1) IR (Raman) Intensity Actions
1 E 420.1091 10.0097
2 E 420.1104 10.0095
3 A1 551.9621 28.7240
4 A1 897.9224 42.9823
5 E 972.9937 249.9920
6 E 972.9944 249.9998
Frequency Scale Factor
Normal Mode Amplitude
Animation Speed
IR Spectrum  
Peak Width (cm-1)


Just remember, when you're over the hill, you begin to pick up speed. -- Charles Schulz