WebMO Job Summary

509998: C4H8Br tertiary radical Cs, Optimize + Vib Freq - Gaussian

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-31G(d) OPT FREQ Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry C4H8Br(2)
Symmetry CS
Basis 6-31G(d)
UB3LYP Energy -2728.91259383 Hartree
ZPE 0.108710 Hartree
Conditions 298.150K, 1.00000 atm
Internal Energy -2728.796352 Hartree
Enthalpy -2728.795408 Hartree
Free Energy -2728.837720 Hartree
Cv 23.884 cal/mol-K
Entropy 89.052 cal/mol-K
Dipole Moment 3.1934 Debye
Server batch (523038)
CPU time 529.8 sec

Geometry Sequence Energies

Step Energy  
0 -2728.91259383  
1 -2728.91259383  
2 -2728.91259383  
Animation speed  

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 5.77854 0.19275134667
b 1.49966 0.05002327310
c 1.38116 0.04607053857

Vibrational Modes

Mode Symmetry Frequency (cm-1) IR (Raman) Intensity Actions
1 A" 83.0431 0.2974
2 A' 88.8674 5.7990
3 A" 90.7960 0.5476
4 A' 143.1382 1.7740
5 A' 257.3860 59.1600
6 A' 372.4452 11.2689
7 A" 412.6417 0.0003
8 A' 446.9899 11.6398
9 A' 786.3629 11.0970
10 A" 863.1534 0.9323
11 A" 954.0857 0.5306
12 A" 997.6996 0.2484
13 A' 1043.2915 20.7578
14 A" 1065.3458 1.6813
15 A' 1071.3220 3.1305
16 A' 1119.6443 13.0383
17 A" 1331.0084 4.0917
18 A' 1361.5138 1.1172
19 A" 1427.4471 11.1456
20 A' 1436.8115 7.7449
21 A" 1498.3320 0.0211
22 A" 1501.0348 2.5152
23 A' 1508.1441 11.9632
24 A' 1525.4001 12.9751
25 A' 1536.8229 0.5790
26 A" 3004.6979 7.4009
27 A' 3009.8167 13.4741
28 A" 3073.9754 6.9997
29 A' 3077.2362 37.5552
30 A" 3121.8293 17.1894
31 A' 3123.8175 19.7303
32 A' 3152.4786 6.7739
33 A" 3231.3881 3.7092
Frequency Scale Factor
Normal Mode Amplitude
Animation Speed
IR Spectrum  
Peak Width (cm-1)


Life may have no meaning. Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove. -- Ashleigh Brilliant