WebMO Job Summary

556378: C8H9O2N phenacetin isomer 2, NMR - Gaussian

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-31G(d) NMR Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry C8H9NO2
Symmetry CS
Basis 6-31G(d)
RB3LYP Energy -515.479979549 Hartree
Dipole Moment 2.1144 Debye
Server batch (569441)
CPU time 219.7 sec

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 3.5920955 0.11981940853
b 0.5431695 0.01811818428
c 0.4732236 0.01578504020

Absolute NMR Shifts

Atom Symbol Isotropic Anisotropy
1 C* 23.5999 44.8746
2 C* 155.1770 93.5468
3 N 123.5678 105.6953
4 C* 125.9236 131.5080
5 C* 113.2407 156.7373
6 C* 107.9218 120.1967
7 C* 143.5022 127.4709
8 C* 107.9197 134.3998
9 C* 110.8010 125.8588
10 H* 6.1226 5.9907
11 H* 6.5160 4.8223
12 O 219.5128 54.6551
13 H* 3.2885 12.5722
14 H* 6.1110 4.8656
15 H* 8.4680 9.3634
16 H* 5.4684 7.6843
17 O -81.1564 612.2016
18 H* 1.5920 7.0271
19 H* 1.9682 5.5913
20 H* 1.9682 5.5913
*Denotes shift relative to TMS
TMS shielding (C)
TMS shielding (H)
1H NMR Spectrum
13C NMR Spectrum
Peak Width (ppm)
Simulate proton splitting
NMR Field MHz
Proton-proton coupling Hz


Just remember, when you're over the hill, you begin to pick up speed. -- Charles Schulz