WebMO Job Summary

556520: C8H8O acetophenone in ethanol, Optimize + Vib Freq - Gaussian

Calculated Quantities

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-31G(d) OPT FREQ SCRF=(PCM,Solvent=ethanol) Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry C8H8O
Symmetry CS
Basis 6-31G(d)
RB3LYP Energy -384.90210025 Hartree
ZPE 0.138367 Hartree
Conditions 298.150K, 1.00000 atm
Internal Energy -384.755921 Hartree
Enthalpy -384.754977 Hartree
Free Energy -384.796486 Hartree
Cv 29.532 cal/mol-K
Entropy 87.364 cal/mol-K
Dipole Moment 3.9700 Debye
Server batch (569583)
CPU time 1707.3 sec

Geometry Sequence Energies

Step Energy  
0 -384.893188868  
1 -384.901865415  
2 -384.902088920  
3 -384.902099441  
4 -384.902100250  
5 -384.902100250  
6 -384.902100250  
Animation speed  

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 3.67558 0.12260415170
b 1.21140 0.04040795449
c 0.91630 0.03056447804

Vibrational Modes

Mode Symmetry Frequency (cm-1) IR (Raman) Intensity Actions
1 A" 61.4085 4.6854
2 A" 154.5307 0.1303
3 A" 162.1241 0.4482
4 A' 219.9997 7.6165
5 A' 367.2393 1.4981
6 A" 415.2492 0.0037
7 A" 432.4137 0.0202
8 A' 467.4280 1.0727
9 A' 595.0498 42.2252
10 A" 605.5698 12.8507
11 A' 630.6264 1.3327
12 A" 705.2118 36.6947
13 A' 744.2915 0.8398
14 A" 780.5673 40.8707
15 A" 867.2929 0.0205
16 A" 951.9628 3.4449
17 A' 968.8083 50.4586
18 A" 989.4189 0.1556
19 A" 1014.7864 0.2536
20 A' 1016.8445 1.5106
21 A' 1050.7583 6.4305
22 A" 1055.6261 3.0874
23 A' 1100.0102 1.5337
24 A' 1115.3623 10.9549
25 A' 1189.7502 1.8908
26 A' 1207.1350 25.8218
27 A' 1288.0338 306.8641
28 A' 1349.6003 11.4429
29 A' 1366.5412 6.2999
30 A' 1408.1714 62.9735
31 A' 1489.9123 18.8218
32 A' 1493.1309 28.5820
33 A" 1495.4288 12.3858
34 A' 1538.7457 2.2138
35 A' 1635.0533 17.8579
36 A' 1654.2999 49.9421
37 A' 1752.2197 318.8122
38 A' 3059.1421 1.9594
39 A" 3119.9508 8.7180
40 A' 3167.3378 22.8642
41 A' 3191.9559 0.3390
42 A' 3201.1499 15.0848
43 A' 3210.7486 34.2657
44 A' 3220.7555 24.6971
45 A' 3224.6061 8.7110
Frequency Scale Factor
Normal Mode Amplitude
Animation Speed
IR Spectrum  
Peak Width (cm-1)


Discoveries are often made by not following instructions, by going off the main road, by trying the untried. -- Frank Tyger