WebMO Job Summary

609271: C5H9Cl, NMR - Gaussian

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-31G(d) NMR Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry C5H9Cl
Symmetry CS
Basis 6-31G(d)
RB3LYP Energy -656.125668051 Hartree
Dipole Moment 2.5199 Debye
Server default (2753881)
CPU time 44.3 sec

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 6.7970647 0.22672567367
b 1.2240246 0.04082906582
c 1.0580388 0.03529237550

Absolute NMR Shifts

Atom Symbol Isotropic Anisotropy
1 C* 18.1732 19.2946
2 C* 127.7390 142.4484
3 C* 24.8833 37.3617
4 H* 1.4383 5.8785
5 H* 1.5018 7.2767
6 H* 1.5018 7.2767
7 C* 122.4283 64.4384
8 C* 43.4858 42.6455
9 Cl 887.6757 297.0945
10 H* 3.7249 7.7959
11 H* 3.7249 7.7959
12 H* 5.2571 6.9979
13 H* 1.6610 6.1581
14 H* 1.1489 7.7739
15 H* 1.1489 7.7739
*Denotes shift relative to TMS
TMS shielding (C)
TMS shielding (H)
1H NMR Spectrum
13C NMR Spectrum
Peak Width (ppm)


Life may have no meaning. Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove. -- Ashleigh Brilliant