WebMO Job Summary

611631: 4-Bromoanisole, NMR - Gaussian

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-31G(d) NMR Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry C7H7BrO
Symmetry CS
Basis 6-31G(d)
RB3LYP Energy -2917.8760047 Hartree
Dipole Moment 2.8185 Debye
Server batch (624911)
CPU time 193.4 sec

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 4.8079645 0.16037643282
b 0.4529332 0.01510822530
c 0.4150361 0.01384411412

Absolute NMR Shifts

Atom Symbol Isotropic Anisotropy
1 C* 52.4042 65.4915
2 O 237.1905 82.9022
3 C* 149.7881 129.4092
4 C* 104.3150 140.6330
5 C* 125.7678 139.9847
6 C* 125.5569 93.2029
7 C* 126.0342 139.8411
8 C* 112.5559 132.8704
9 H* 6.6125 5.5869
10 H* 7.0289 8.4784
11 Br 2221.2095 1152.6081
12 H* 7.0197 8.8117
13 H* 6.2888 7.1441
14 H* 3.8823 8.0461
15 H* 3.4814 7.9908
16 H* 3.4814 7.9908
*Denotes shift relative to TMS
TMS shielding (C)
TMS shielding (H)
1H NMR Spectrum
13C NMR Spectrum
Peak Width (ppm)
Simulate proton splitting
NMR Field MHz
Proton-proton coupling Hz


The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said. -- Peter F. Drucker