WebMO Job Summary

672938: C17H14O UW-Bootcamp cis,trans-dibenzylacetone, NMR - Gaussian

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Quantity Value
Route #N B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) NMR Geom=Connectivity
Stoichiometry C17H14O
Symmetry CS
Basis 6-311+G(2d,p)
RB3LYP Energy -731.644757396 Hartree
Dipole Moment 2.1303 Debye
Server batch (686275)
CPU time 6355.2 sec

Rotational Constants

Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a 1.9025729 0.06346300079
b 0.1228918 0.00409922921
c 0.1154356 0.00385051715

Absolute NMR Shifts

Atom Symbol Isotropic Anisotropy
1 C* 191.5941 158.0989
2 C* 130.8596 126.0196
3 C* 151.4086 167.4239
4 C* 141.7283 197.8169
5 C* 129.4883 181.3734
6 C* 133.4940 183.9926
7 C* 135.7632 186.6989
8 C* 134.2764 183.4367
9 C* 139.7798 169.0971
10 H* 7.7598 7.1896
11 H* 7.6516 5.3937
12 H* 7.6321 5.1406
13 H* 7.6331 5.6653
14 H* 8.2275 8.2761
15 H* 8.2295 7.8987
16 H* 7.3809 9.4870
17 C* 132.2216 107.7478
18 C* 154.9492 143.8596
19 C* 142.3087 197.0886
20 C* 140.0626 194.3259
21 C* 134.0312 184.6985
22 C* 137.1845 190.8417
23 C* 132.1889 179.3652
24 C* 140.8949 165.0665
25 H* 7.6146 7.2168
26 H* 7.5969 5.3872
27 H* 7.7251 5.3114
28 H* 7.8109 6.0107
29 H* 10.9650 9.5591
30 H* 6.9855 9.2071
31 H* 6.4927 9.0612
32 O -229.8125 904.8563
*Denotes shift relative to TMS
TMS shielding (C)
TMS shielding (H)
1H NMR Spectrum
13C NMR Spectrum
Peak Width (ppm)
Simulate proton splitting
NMR Field MHz
Proton-proton coupling Hz


I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! But I'm sick and tired of being told that I am! -- Monty Python