University of Wisconsin-Madison Chemistry Department DEMONSTRATION LAB
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This web site is based on Demo-Deck, a Hypercard stack of chemistry demonstrations by Fred Juergens. All demonstrations are rated by stars*. Three stars is the highest rating. Roughly translated, the ratings are...
- Very good demonstration
- OK demonstration.
- Not a highly recommended demonstration.
* The ratings are purely the opinion of current and former members of the demonstration lab staff on the presentation and educational value of each demonstration.
Demonstration Lab Staff
James H. Maynard
Lecture Demonstrator
Chemistry Dept.
Room B361A
608-262-7916 Julie Frasier
Assistant Lecture Demonstrator
Chemistry Dept.
Room B361
Disclaimer: The demonstrations contained and referenced herein are listed for the purposes of cataloging and describing chemistry demonstrations, and should only be conducted by qualified chemists who are aware of proper chemical and apparatus usage. Safety precautions such as the use of goggles, aprons, gloves, and so forth are assumed. It is also assumed that all chemicals used will be disposed of properly. Users of information posted on this site assume all responsibility for the use of that information.
Many of the demonstrations have been filmed and are available on CD-rom in the "Chemistry Comes Alive!" series through JCE Software. For those demos involving toxic chemicals or explosions, using a filmed version of the demonstration will always be safer than a live showing of the demonstration.
This web site uses frames. In order to see the frame pages, you have to use at least Netscape 3.0 (Netscape 3.0 or later is recommended) or Internet Explorer 4.0. Animations can be seen by downloading the Chemscape Chime Plugin.
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Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
Images used in this site have been copyrighted. © 1997,1998,1999, 2000 Division of Chemical Education, Inc., American Chemical Society and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Revised: May 19, 2000.