Atoms, Molecules, and Reactions: An Introduction to Chemistry, 1st Edition,
by Ronald J. Gillespie, Donald R. Eaton, David A. Humphreys, Edward A. Robinson,
published by Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632, 1994,
ISBN: 0-13-088790-0
1 Atoms and Molecules: The Building Blocks of Substances
1.1 elements
1.3 physical properties
2 The Atmosphere, Gases, and the Gas Laws
2.2 combustion reaction
2.2 oxygen (O)
2.4 hydrogen (H)
3 The Periodic Table and Chemical Bonds
Ch 3 periodic table/trends
3.1 alkali metals
3.1 alkaline earths
3.1 nonmetals
4 Chemical Reactions and the Halogens
4.5 precipitation reaction
7 Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Chlorine: Period 3 Nonmetals
7.1 sulfur (S)/sulfur oxides/sulfuric acid
8 Carbon and the Hydrocarbons
Ch 8 carbon (C)
10 Metals: Properties, Structures, and Reactions
10.1 aluminum (Al)
10.1 copper (Cu)
10.1 iron (Fe)
10.1 alkali metals
10.1 alkaline earths
10.4 aluminum (Al)
10.5 transition elements/metals
10.5 copper (Cu)
10.5 iron (Fe)
11 Solids, Liquids, and Intermolecular Forces
11.5 solutions/solubility
12 Chemical Equilibrium: Quantitative Aspects
12.2 acids/bases
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