Merrill Chemistry, 7th Edition,
by Robert C. Smoot, Richard G. Smith, Jack Price,
published by Glencoe Division of MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, Westerville, Ohio, 1998,
ISBN: 0-02-825526-7
3 Matter
3.2 physical properties
7 Chemical Formulas
Ch 7 elements
9 Chemical Reactions
9.1 combustion reaction
9.1 double exchange/replacement reaction
9.1 single exchange/replacement reaction
10 Periodic Properties
Ch 10 periodic table/trends
11 Typical Elements
11.1 alkali metals
11.1 alkaline earths
11.1 aluminum (Al)
11.1 hydrogen (H)
11.2 carbon (C)
11.2 nonmetals
11.2 oxygen (O)
11.3 transition elements/metals
11.3 zinc (Zn)
20 Solutions and Colloids
20.1 solutions/solubility
23 Acids, Bases, and Salts
Ch 23 acids/bases
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