Water #1 Report Form

Please read these instructions first. Answer the following questions in the space provided. Once all of the questions are answered, click on the "Write Report" button at the bottom of the page. A new page will load in your browser that contains your answers. Print this new page. You may save this report to disk after clicking on the "Write Report" button and your answers are displayed as part of the web page. The printed copy of your report is the only record of your work, therefore do not lose it. This form MUST be completed on the web. You will not be able to use this web form if you save on a disk and try to use it while not accessing the web server.

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Question 1. (1 point) Two isotopes of hydrogen are 11H and deuterium,21H. How many protons and neutrons are there in an atom of each isotope?

Question 2. (1 point) Which ice cube is made of deuterium oxide? Explain why you think so.

Question 3. (1 point) The size of an atom or molecule is primarily determined by its nuclear charge and number of electrons. Why do hydrogen, 11H, and deuterium, 21H, have roughly the sam e atomic size?

Question 4a. (0.5 point) What does the Water and Ice video tell about the relative densities of solid and liquid water?

Question 4b. (0.5 point) A container is completely filled with cold liquid water. It then is closed and cooled below zero degrees Celsius. What will happen?

Question 5. (1 point) Thinking about what you have seen in Question 4, why do pavements sometimes crack in the winter, especially in colder climates?

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