University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Experience for Undergraduates in Nanotechnology







The University of Wisconsin-Madison Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) on Templated Synthesis and Assembly at the Nanoscale and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) on Nanostructured Interfaces hosts an annual summer  Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Nanotechology program.  Selected participants will spend 10 weeks conducting research in an area of engineering, physics, chemistry, science education or public policy. 

The UW-Madison NSEC, one of 14 Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers, and the MRSEC, one of 28 Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers, are funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF).  The NSEC and MRSEC research programs are at the forefront of nanoscience and technology research.  The centers combined are home to over 40 faculty members and more than 70 graduate student and post doctoral researchers from more than 10 departments and 4 colleges throughout the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The UW-NSEC and MRSEC are seeking talented undergraduates from around the country to join us for an exciting summer working on the cutting edge nanoscience research being conducted within our centers.  Research opportunities will be offered in the following areas:

   Research opportunities in Nanoscale Science and Technology will be offered in:

  • Directed Self-Assembly and Registration of Nanoscale Chemical Architectures
  • Templated Chemical Synthesis of Specific Heteropolymeric Nanostructures
  • Driven Nano-Fluidic Self-Assembly of Colloids and Macromolecules
  • Research in the Societal Implications of Template Synthesis and Assembly at the Nanoscale
  • Education for Students, Teachers and Researchers
  • Advanced Lithography, Measurement, Characterization and Transfer of Nano-Patterned Surfaces
  • Fundamental Issues in Materials Integration on Silicon
  • Functional Organic-Inorganic Electronic Interfaces
  • Nanostructured Materials as Interfaces to Biology

Example projects from the Summer 2007 and 2008 REU in Nanotechnology program:

  • Thiophene-based Chromophores: Design, Synthesis, Electro-optic Activity, and Photostability
  • Solution Based Growth of Shaped Gold Nnanoparticles
  • Synthesis and Applications of Cyclic β-Peptides
  • The Growth of Epitaxial Silicon Nanowires
  • Zebrafish Embryos as a Model to Assess  Quantum Dot Toxicity
  • Peptide Inhibition of TGF-b Signaling Associated with Cancer Cell Isolation

Program Highlights:

  • Weekly faculty-led seminars on various NSEC and MRSEC research topics
  • A special seminar on applying, surviving, and excelling in graduate school
  • An end-of-summer REU poster session in which students present their research results and conclusions
  • Social activities with students from other REU programs
  • A summer in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin

Summer 2007 Program Details:

  • Tentative dates for the 2009 Summer REU Program: May 26–August 1, 2009.
  • Online application will be available in December:
  • Students receive a stipend of $4,500. Housing and travel to and from Madison are provided

Program Contact:

Dr. Andrew Greenberg
REU in Nanotechnology Program Coordinator
1101 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-890-1534
Fax: 608-265-8094



Candance Smith:      

 2006 Nanotechnology REU

Corbin Occhino:

2006 Nanotechnology REU

Sunset on Lake Mendota

          Sailing at the Memorial Union