These compounds were provided as a gift from Prof. Hans Reich
(collected by him from past UW-Chem researchers).

synthesized by: Carl Djerassi

Download ChemSketch structure
 (ChemDraw structure)
 full ChemSketch analysis file

Download 300 MHz data
NUTS 1H spectrum
raw spectrum; raw fid; pdf

NUTS COSY spectrum
raw spectrum; raw fid; pdf
expansion of aliphatic region (pdf)

NUTS 13C spectrum
raw spectrum; raw fid; pdf

NUTS DEPT-90 spectrum
raw spectrum; raw fid; pdf

NUTS DEPT-135 spectrum
raw spectrum; raw fid; pdf

DEPT Stack Plot:   nuts   pdf

NUTS Long-Range COSY spectrum
raw spectrum; raw fid; pdf

If left-click does not initiate download:
right-click and choose "Save Target As..."


Copyright © 2006 Charles G. Fry
All Rights Reserved. Last updated Feb. 5, 2006.