Co(NH3)4Cl3 is a better choice than Co(NH3)2(NO2)2Cl.
The second compound contains NO2 groups, which can form structural
isomers in both Werner's and Jørgensen's structures.
Two isomers of Co(NH3)4Cl3 should
exist according to Werner's theory. Jørgensen's theory
only allows for one.
Only the praseo isomer has been prepared. The
violeo has not.
theory predicts the existence of two isomers of Co(NH3)4Cl3. Although
at the present only one, the praseo isomer, has been prepared, I
am confident that the other exists. We are working on its preparation
isomer evidence seems to me to be in conflict with Dr. Werner's theory.
If he is correct, two isomers of Co(NH3)4Cl3 should exist and yet
only one has been prepared. I hope this sways you to support my theory.
Actually, Co(NH3)4Cl3 would be a better
choice. Only Werner's sturctures will form isomers for this compound.
This is true. Werner's theory would
predict two isomers for Co(NH3)4Cl3.