Chemistry Comes Alive!C C Alive!Table of ContentsIndexTextbooks

Volume 4

Frequently Asked Questions

This set of notes provides additional information on ways of interacting with this material. It is presented in the format of "Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs".

Other than content, are there differences between Volumes 1--4 of Chemistry Comes Alive?

If I install QuickTime 4, will I still be able to use Volumes 1 and 2 of Chemistry Comes Alive?

Can I see larger versions of the pictures?

Are there any other pictures associated with the topics?

I have found a movie (or image) I would like my students to look at. How can they get at it quickly?

Can I use a movie or image from the CD in a slide show or presentation?

What if I see a "broken icon" instead of the movie or molecular animation I was expecting?

(Windows 95) "The little rows of dots in the background make the font very difficult to read because they change the shapes of the letters inconsistently. I kept trying to adjust my glasses. What's wrong here?"

Where are the movie files and other resources?

What is the folder/directory structure on the CDROM?


Other than content, are there differences between Volumes 1--4 of Chemistry Comes Alive?

Like Volume 3, and 2nd Editions of Volumes 1 and 2, Volume 4 uses a new video compression methods for movies. The new method (Sorenson) produces much higher quality video with significantly smaller movie files. QuickTime 4 or higher is required to view the Sorenson video on this CD.

Volumes 2, 3, and 4 include full screen (640x480) versions of the still images. However, versions of these images of smaller size are not included. The large images are the most useful (such as for showing in the classroom, or for "taking a closer look") and they can easily be resized to smaller sizes.

Definitions are not included in the index of Volumes 3 and 4.

Keywords have been assigned to topics. These keywords serve as the entries in the Glossary/Index. The keywords also serve as the linkage method to the Textbooks. We have tried to locate the portions of the textbooks which deal issues represented by the keywords.

Can I see larger versions of the pictures?

Yes. Each picture on the "main" pages is linked to a larger version of the picture. Clicking on the smaller picture takes you to the larger one.

Are there any other pictures associated with the topics?


I have found a movie (or image) I would like my students to look at. How can they get at it quickly?

Clicking on a movie icon within a topic will take you to a page that plays the movie (or shows the still). If you place a Bookmark in the browser for that page, others can go directly to that page. We have tried to make page titles meaningful.

By means of a list of bookmarks, one can provide a sort of lesson plan or list of items to be browsed.

Can I use a movie or image from the CD in a slide show or presentation?

The JCE Software License Agreement allows owners to incorporate images and video clips into their own classroom presentations. Files continuing these images and video may be copied onto media that contains the presentation. Such presentations may not be used outside the owner's classroom or for any commercial purposes without written permission from JCE Software.

JCE Software welcomes the submission of instructional materials that incorporate our video and images. See JCE Software author information to learn how to submit your materials.

What if I see a "broken icon" instead of the movie or molecular animation I was expecting?

This is often the result of not having the proper plug-in installed in your browser. Installation directions are provided in the documentation.

(Windows 95) "The little rows of dots in the background make the font very difficult to read because they change the shapes of the letters inconsistently. I kept trying to adjust my glasses. What's wrong here?"

Perhaps you have selected "large fonts" in Windows 95. The program was tested with "small fonts". In the Start Menu-->Settings-->Control panel-->Display-->Settings tab, specify "Font size" to be "small fonts".

Where are the movie files and other resources?

All QuickTime movies are in the MOVIES folder/directory. The page that plays a movie provides the name and location of the movie. Still images are in the STILLS## folder/directory--the two numbers indicate the size of the images. The folder/directory structure on the CDROM is given below.

What is the folder/directory structure on the CDROM?

Here is the overall folder/directory structure of the CDROM for Chemistry Comes Alive! Volume 4.

The following can be accessed by means of links at the bottom of each page.

INDEX.HTM This is the entry page. The user begins here.
CONTENTS.HTM This is the table of contents page. This page provides links to the various topics, which are organized within four chapters generally aligned with the general chemistry curriculum. The pages themselves are contained in the folder MAIN.
WORDS.HTM This is the index page. This page is a list of words. Each word links to information in pages in the folder named INDEX.
BOOKS.HTM This is the textbook cross reference page. This page is a list of general chemistry textbooks. Each one links to a page that contains a list of chapters in the textbook. These pages are contained in the folder named BOOKS.

Other important individual pages

CCA (IE).htm
CCA (NN).htm
These files are the opening screens for the CD. Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator users can double-click the appropriate file to start using the CD.
CCAInfo.htm Provides access to information about the CD. You can access this page from the opening screen.
FAQ.HTM This is the page you are now viewing, with answers to frequently asked questions. All pages link to here via the "Frequently Asked Questions" text button at the bottom of the page. You can get to this page from the entry page.
LICENSE.HTM This page contains licensing information.
WEB.HTM This page provides a warning message "You must be online..." and the link to the Chemistry Comes Alive! web site. You can get to this page from the entry page.
README.HTM This page contains installation related information. You can get to this page from the entry page.

Folders that contain files

DOCS This folder contains files that will assist you in using the CD. Files are accessed from CCAinfo.htm.
BOOKS There is a file here for each textbook. You get to these files from the textbook cross reference page BOOKS.HTM when you pick a textbook.
LISTS These files contain the various lists and matrices that provide navigation.
GRAPHICS This folder contains widely used graphic images.

Folders that contain folders

In Volumes 1-3 we organized the containing folders according to "topics". In Volume 4, this schema breaks down. In the case of the aqueous reactions, media assets are arbitrarily grouped according to the first compound in the test tube. In the case of the elements, media assets are arbitrarily grouped according to atomic symbol.
MAIN In here are the main pages for the aqueous reactions.
MAINPT In here are the main pages for the elements.
MOVIES These are the movies for each topic. These movies are viewed via the movie player pages in MVHTM.
MVHTM These are the movie player pages. There is one HTML page per movie. These pages show the movies in MOVIES and provide additional information, like the size of the movie and where the movie is located.
STHTM These pages show the stills for the aqueous reaction movies.
STILLS04 These are the small 40x30 still images used in the links to play movies. They are the first frame of the movie.
STILLS12 These are the 120x90 still images used on the main pages.
STILLS32pH These are versions of still images used in the first matrix of aqueous reactions, which combine pictures of the chemicals with pictures of indicator paper.
STILLS64 These are the large 640x480 still images.


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