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Gateway to Gatewaylectrochemistry: Introduction & Legend

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Table of Contents

Icon Legend
Ox & Red


Voltaic Cells

Cell Voltage

Calc. Potentials


Electrolytic Cells

The following is a legend describing icons and terms that have significant application in the various NeTorial modules:

Icon, Image, Button Name Use
gateway link to the Electrochemistry modules— the E-Chem gateway.
in other words... clicking on this icon displays a separate window that provides an additional definition or perspective
mouse over indicates interactivity based simply on moving the cursor over the image; in many circumstances, clicking on this icon will reset the interactivity of its associated element
on click indicates interactivity based on mouse clicks; in many circumstances, clicking on this icon will reset the interactivity of its associated element
self check a question to test yourself will follow this symbol


engage debriefing clicking on this button will bring you to a summary quiz; a quiz usually follows each module and should be completed before beginning a new topic
navigation buttons moves you between pages
page progress indicates current page in module / total pages

Other elements:
A list of links to active modules can be found in the left margin of each page. Clicking on one of these links will bring you to the first page of that module. There is also a link to the Table of Contents for the entire Tutorial. It is not recommended that you use these methods of navigation to avoid taking the debriefing quizzes, as the quizzes are an important way for you to gauge your understanding of the material.

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